Monkey socks

You would think that I’ve not been doing any knitting but we’ve been a bit busy round here, (The sewing machine is staring at me but has been untouched since the middle of June!) but summer has vaguely hit London, so we’re making the most of it. We had alot of fun at the Innocent Village Fete last Saturday. I was gutted that Seth Lakeman was playing on Sunday, not Saturday!

Monkey socks

Monkey Socks by Cookie A
Moda Vera Adore from Spotlight in Black/Purple colourway (el cheapo but actually not bad) 66g
2mm antique dpns
Knit top down with kitchener stitch toes and slip stitch heels for my bestest friend in all the world

I picked the yarn up in Spotlight on a trip home earlier this year. It’s from Turkey and branded for Spotlight 75% wool to 25% polymide. A lot of the colour ways left a lot to be desired but I liked this one and apart from being a bit splitty, it’s not bad. It really softened up after a soak in some Ecover handwash and blocked very well too. It’s not really black and purple – more dark grey/pine green and a subtle purpley/pink. I thought it worked quite well with the pattern and didn’t get much pooling but not sure how it would go with plain knitting.

Monkey sock detail

I reckon there will be lots of yarn snobs out there, who wouldn’t touch it but I think it’s great and believe it will wear well. I’ll let you know.

Other Monkey sock devotees here at Flickr.

Am off to watch Rick Stein’s new series………

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