What the.........

Ok folks, I need you all to look very carefully at this here..thingy. Well, what is it exactly? I know you’re asking how I came by this amazing piece of tack. Well, there is a lady who lives nearby who asks for some of my lavender from the hedge when it’s ready to crop each year. I happily oblige because I don’t do much with it and there’s always tonnes. Anyway, she very proudly presented me with this the other day to say thank you and that she had made it herself. Now, don’t get me wrong, I am very grateful for the thought but it’s definitely a candidate for Room 101 or the TACK challenge that took place in Oz a couple of months ago. Although, this isn’t tack from crap, it’s crap from crap. Is there a hidden meaning here? Is it symbolic? Could you honestly sell this? I have seen bracelets with the blue and white eye on before. Is it to do with the all seeing eye? All ideas on a postcard please……….