TILT - 23rd Feb

Joy at Scrapalicious started Things I Love Thursday in the same vein as Self Portrait Tuesday. Joy decided to blog about all the things she loves for the month of love – February and now I’m joining in with the Flickr group!

This is just one of the pieces of embroidery I have of my Granny’s. She was an expert needlewoman and made many beautiful tablecloths, napkins, hankies and pillowcases over the years. This is one of a pair that were saved from some very worn old pillowcases. You can’t tell which is the right side, it’s so good and is certainly the mark of expert work. She will be 90 this year and unfortunately has Alzheimer’s disease and I really regret not spending more time doing embroidery with her over the years. I did some as a child but I took to knitting much more easily. I had a subscription to Australian Inspirations when it first came out with all good intentions of doing some embroidery and ribbon embroidery but it never transpired. Maybe I’ll do a class one day?