Slings n things

Sling shaping and stitching detail

Baby Sling
60″ fabric from IKEA
small amount of charcoal embroidery thread

I get so excited when friends have their babies, too excited, in fact. I was due to see a dear friend today and already had a big bag of practical bits, a teething toy and clementine’s kimono….but decided that just wasn’t enough. So, I whipped this sling up while Coco was snoozing.

The pattern was pretty straightforward. I’m not very good at working from notes, I’m a visual person, but I worked it all out in the end. I lined it but didn’t add any interlining because his mummy will mostly be using it indoors. A small amount of handstitching, mainly so she can remember which is the outside and which is the inside and it was done. Wish I’d made one for myself… time, eh?

Baby Sam's sling

I may even make a small one for Coco to carry about any number of her menagerie!

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