Mystical stripe revisted

After a major hiatus all the major knitting is done on Mystical Stripe…….lots and lots of ends to sew in and then put together and knit the buttonhole band. That calls for Kid Silk Haze Smoke but I only had just enough to finish, so will choose another colour to knit that with because there is enough left over to make another complete cardigan. Think I’ll offer it to Mum and see if she wants to make herself one.

I had been knitting the ends in for a time but found that the right side didn’t look as tight or as neat as I would have liked, so I left them to sew in later. The right kind of thing when you want something to do but don’t have to think about what you’re doing! That’s a great option for me with a teething baby, who is a tad unpredictable. I had planned to have this completed over the Christmas break but we all fell ill and are still suffering. Whatever it is has taken a major stronghold.

Have a look at my progress over the past year, or lack of, by clicking the Mystical Stripe category in the right hand toolbar.