Lazy days

Well, not so lazy, actually. With lots of visitors and my parents still here from Oz, we’ve been pretty busy of late. Apologies for not posting pics of the Cobweb Crepe Shawl yet….It will happen, just need the right light.

We did manage to get to the opening day of the Brum* Knitting & Stitching* show. It was great for my folks to meet some alpaca producers and Mum was bitten by the sock bug. She reminded us all that there are a pair of crazy striped socks complete with toe that she made about 25 years ago in Patons Patonyle that are still going strong even after being machine-washed all that time! The show was ok but I think there will be more interesting exhibitors in London. I did acquire some beautiful Hipknits cashmere lace yarn (also saw Kerrie’s bump but she was teaching at the time), some lace weight hemp from House of Hemp (Mum was also very taken by their stuff), some circs for socks and needle point holders. Nothing too exciting but I feel a few shawls are in order. Perhaps something from Folk Shawls.

I am still working on the Alphabet blanket and got some done on that this weekend, so am most of the way there. It’s great having some other adults around to help out with baby Coco. If I can stay awake tonight to do some more that would really help then it’s off to the Borderline tomorrow night for Ryan’s gig. Can’t wait……….